HUST are aware of the reports on social media that HUFC are subject to a consortium takeover bid and we are aiming to seek clarity directly from the Club on the matter.

Lots of supporters want to help Pools so both have attracted considerable interest and lively discussion on social media. The HUST board can’t possibly join in with all these discussions and the nature of Twitter, Facebook and other platforms means that misunderstanding or confusion can spread very quickly. To clear up any confusion on a few key issues we’ve put together some frequently asked questions with clear answers.

Following this week’s unsurprising announcement that the NL Season has now concluded, we took the opportunity to again update our members on a couple of items.

Following on from recent announcements at the Club and a subsequent email to all of our current members, the HUST Board thought it would be beneficial to provide you an update on where we are as an organisation and how you can support us.