This week Pools owner and chairman Mr Singh spoke past, present and future about his time at Pools with BBC Tees Sport as part of their weekly ‘Boro Podcast’ (episode 7) and you can find the link here or via BBC Sounds, and Mr Singh’s interview is around 20 minutes into the show.

Coming on the day the club’s accounts were published showing an £850,000 loss during the 2018-2019 season, Mr Singh highlights the difficulties the club has faced since relegation from the EFL and how, even with the disruption caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the club needs to adapt considerably to the new normal of non-league.  He accepts that this has resulted in some difficult decisions regarding staffing, and urges that fans and other investors step up and play a greater role in the future of the club.  Announcing he has now invested over £2 million in just two years Mr Singh acknowledges this simply cannot go on forever and future losses must be more sustainable.

No one knows when next season will start, or whether fans will be able to be within the ground for matches, but one thing for certain is that now more than ever fan involvement is critical and we hope that fans and particularly HUST members, will be able to spare some time and offer some skills to support HUFC as we adapt to our current non-league status.