Has your HUST membership expired?
You can renew your membership by one of these methods.
- Online at our website here. You can pay by debit card and you don’t need a PayPal account to do so.
- Paypal – You can transfer your annual renewal fees via Paypal payment to treasurer@hufcsupporterstrust.org.uk
- In cash – You can pay membership renewals in cash to any HUST board member
- By cheque – With cheques made payable to Hartlepool United Supporters Trust and handed to a Board member or sent by post to HUST, c/o 40, Belmont Gardens, Hartlepool, TS26 9LS
- Bank transfer – You can transfer cash directly from your bank to HUST’s using Co-op Bank, account number 65782787, sort code 08-92-99.
If you would like any information on HUST or would like to discuss your membership renewal, then do not hesitate to contact us.