As a recognised Mutual and with an Annual General Meeting a legal requirement for compliance with applicable Financial Conduct Authority rules, HUST can confirm we will hold our AGM at the Corner Flag, 19:00 on Thursday 10th of December 2020.

The HUST Board have worked closely with Hartlepool Borough Council to ensure that this event is both legal and safe, and having received council approval to host the AGM at the Corner Flag, the following restrictions will apply:

  • A Maximum of 38 people (32 members plus the six Board members) will be allowed to attend.
  • Face coverings must be worn when moving into and around the building but can be removed when seated.
  • Only households or those in support bubbles will be able to sit together and social distancing must be observed.
  • No refreshments will be available, however, members are allowed to bring their own.
  • Members must sign in on arrival for test and trace records, use the hand sanitising stations provided, and follow the route maps marked out within the building.

Access to the AGM will not taken place until 18:45 and we request that any members wishing to attend emails in advance. In your email please can you also confirm if you are attending with anyone in your ‘bubble’. This information will allow us to prepare accordingly for the event.

In addition, we acknowledge that some members who would normally attend may not wish to do so due to the Coronavirus risk in the area. For those not attending please return a completed proxy form by email to or by post to HUST, c/o 40 Belmont Gardens, Hartlepool, TS26 9LS by the 7th of December 2020. If you are not able to attend but would like a copy of the AGM presentation slides and 2019/20 accounts, then please request this via email at

A Proxy form can be downloaded from the link below:

Vote for your Board Members

There are ten candidates standing for eight positions on the HUST Board and all members are encouraged to vote for their preferred candidates.  Voting closes at 23:59 on Monday 7th of December and votes can be submitted to the Election Management Group by clearly worded email to or by post to HUST, c/o 40 Belmont Gardens, Hartlepool, TS26 9LS.

The voting form can also be downloaded from the link below: