Letter from The Salaam Centre
Staff and service users from the Salaam Centre in Hartlepool recently joined us at the match. Have a read about their experience!
Staff and service users from the Salaam Centre in Hartlepool recently joined us at the match. Have a read about their experience!
HUST’s Community Ticket Fund and Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation are welcoming some people who use the Salaam Community Centre to tomorrow’s match against Sutton. The centre, who were inadvertently caught up in the terrible scenes which made the national news, runs a range of support groups and services. In keeping with its name, Salaam means welcome.
Read more about the day of the riots but more importantly about the services they provide to our community.
The thoughts of HUST’s board on the recent Season ticket announcement and perhaps more importantly, levels of communication by the club. Please get in touch if you have any further feedback about this.
Former Chairman, saviour of the club, and lifelong Hartlepool United fan Harold Hornsey passed away 20 years ago today. For those who were around in 1994, we’ll always remember what he did for the club he was so passionate about. For newer and older fans alike we revisit his legacy here. The words were first published the day after his death and written by the fan only known as Albatross for the Box of Kippers website, and remain as relevant today as then.
In this interview we speak with HUST sponsored Hartlepool United Women’s Football Club player Faye Garside about how the team is going, how she got into playing, the progress of the national and grass roots game and even find out some unexpected facts!
Click for a further update on the consortium’s attempt to purchase the club.
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