HUST are once again delighted to welcome a new corporate member;
Callander Mortgage Solutions

A concise look at the history of Pools, which is full of character and moments of occasional glory, so delve into an alternative take on our existence!
First published in 2003, it needs some updating, so the best suggestions will be incorporated!

Harry Pearson recently returned to writing brilliant books about north-east football with The Farther Corner, the long-awaited sequel to ‘90s classic The Far Corner. He agreed to talk to HUST about his new book, the Northern League, how he’s never seen a boring Pools match, and doing the worm. And what he thinks about supporters trusts…  

Throwback Thursday #3: Ed Parkinson reflects on our pride in the monkey legend and a unique electoral victory in Hartlepool, (which with the benefit of hindsight perhaps signalled the beginning of our voyage away from the EU!)